23 MAR 2020

SafeLearn, a product line of Safebridge, launches a new online training called “Mastering Daily Navigation.” The course is designed to educate and refresh the knowledge of all watchkeeping ranks on how to combine traditional navigation with modern-day technology.

While the rapid advancement of navigational equipment continuously improves the overall safety of navigation, bridge officers are presented with a new kind of challenge. The latest technological shifts often lead to an overreliance on machines and classical navigation moves out of focus. Combined with the complexity of the equipment interface, it is becoming increasingly clear that watchkeeping officers must be able to practice classical navigation concepts in conjunction with modern-day technology.

In addressing this challenge, the nautical authors at Safebridge realized that traditional familiarization on board is not enough to bridge this growing gap. By applying their expertise and industry research, they devised a new “Mastering Daily Navigation” syllabus that delivers the core classical navigation concepts and helps bridge officers apply this knowledge to modern-day navigation.

Safe navigation is a key issue in operating a ship, as numerous risks are associated with possible navigation failures. However, often navigational training taken by an officer of the watch is dating back many years and might be silted. With this course, we enable individuals, and also HR managers in charge, to validate the up-to-dateness and effectiveness of navigation skills and at the same time, address possible shortcomings,” said Professor Capt. Ralph Becker-Heins, CEO Safebridge.

Mastering Daily Navigation course applies the proven and successful methodology of interactive online course delivery of SafeLearn and offers watchkeeping officers the ability to connect theoretical knowledge with real-life scenarios.

The course material is delivered in three core modules:

  • The basics in Mathematics for Navigation
  • Lines and Coordinates of the Earth’s surface
  • Development of an ECDIS Mindset.

“>Mastering Daily Navigation addresses the needs of all watchkeeping ranks. Cadets will benefit from combining their theoretical knowledge with practical, real-life scenarios. Officers are now given an opportunity to refresh their knowledge and stay up to date with modern navigation. Experienced captains can now get a fresh view on how to combine classical navigation with modern-day technology. All these add to the smooth and safe way of navigating on board, in the modern-day environment,” said Product Manager of SafeLearn, Valentinos Steliou.

Experience the course “Mastering Daily Navigation” now available for purchase on the Safebridge online shop.


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