02 MAY 2019

The cruise industry is facing more stringent requirements and regulations to emissions. In partnership with leading cruise lines, Norwegian technology suppliers have now developed a concept for zero-emission cruising.

The concept has been developed in cooperation with Eker Design, cruise giants Carnival Corporation and Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd, technology suppliers in the industry cluster NCE Maritime CleanTech and various interest organisations.

Zero emission cruising – new concepts leading the way from NCE Maritime CleanTech.

Norwegian companies are world-leading in the development of maritime environmental technology. Along the coast one is in the process of completing a green shift in the ferry sector in record time. Now Norwegian technology pioneers are looking to new segments for the introduction of cleaner ship operations. The concept being launched is in high demand by an industry that is working hard to meet the IMO’s target of a 50% cut in emissions by 2050 and zero-emission requirements in Norwegian tourist fjords from 2026.

“There is a need for new and green technologies to meet stricter regulations around the world. To find the best solution collaboration between ship owners, technology suppliers and regulators is essential”, Hege Økland CEO of NCE Maritime CleanTech says.

Zero emissions from 2026
Cruises are one of the fastest growing forms of tourism internationally. In Norway the number of cruise tourists has grown quickly in recent years, and new projections envision 1 million cruise passengers along the Norwegian coast in 2040. At the same time, constantly stricter regulations are driving a great need for new, green technology.

“This concept proves that it will be possible to meet the goal of zero emissions in Norwegian fjords in 2026, by using decommissioned PSVs that guide the ships in and out of the fjords using electric power. The concept also shows how zero emissions will be possible in the future by using new energy sources such as hydrogen, s olar power and wind power,” says Ronald Strøm, project participant and Technical Manager of Edda Accommodation.

The solutions were presented at the world’s largest cruise fair SeaTrade Global in Miami.

In parallel with the development of new ships, the required infrastructure must be developed, as well as new value chains for energy deliveries along the coast. Interaction between public and private players is essential, and NCE Maritime CleanTech plays a key role in this partnership.

“We also believe that there must be a shift towards more energy-efficient and region-specific vessels in the future. The concepts that have been developed will act as a platform for further innovation, and form the basis for a number of new innovation projects,” Økland says.

The development work has been supported by Norwegian foundation DOGA. The participants in the development of the concept are: Eker Design, Carnival Corporation, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd, Bergen harbour, Scanship, Wärtsilä, Corvus Energy, Teknotherm, DNV GL, Hydro, ETA Energi, NORCE, Hardcruise, Blueday, BKK, Solbære, Hyon, Bostek, Østensjø, GAC Norway, Yxney Maritime, Prototech, Gann, NCL, Bellona and NCE Fjord Tourism Norway.


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